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2018 Querciabella Carmatina Toscana IGT

2018 Querciabella Carmatina Toscana IGT

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Blend of Cabernet Sauvignon (70%), Sangiovese (30%)

Ruffoli, Greve in Chianti. Casaocci Sud for Cabernet Sauvignon; Montoro Solatio and Tinamicaio for Sangiovese. 

With its galestro soils and south-facing exposure, he Casaocci Sud vineyard offers the perfect environment for textbook Cabernet Sauvignon, here refined by lighter, lifted notes. On a cooler slope, Poggerino's denser soils, richer in clay, typically provide the wine's structural backbone as well as the intensity and depth required for successful ageing. 

The Sangiovese grows in selected vineyard blocks ranging for 350m to 600m a.s.l. with varying orientation, south to south-west. At lower altitudes, galestro and clay soils impart elegance to the wines while higher up the hill sandstones become prevalent, gifting Sangiovese a juicier vitality. 

Already labelled by many as a "classic", 2018 is for sure one of the most harmonious vintages of the last decade due to regular weather patterns and a prolonged ripening season that lasted well into perfect Autumn days. From the onset of budburst, the growth season proceeded smoothly until picking. The near-perfect conditions at harvest and our great timing and precision in picking brought to the cellar grapes of exceptional quality. 

Harvested between 6th September - 10th October, by hand, in several pickings according to ripeness and quality. 

The extraordinary ageing potential of Camartina begins to show 6-7 years after harvest. It will continue to evolve for 20 more years. 

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